Disability, Etiquette, and Sensitivity Training, Alamance County, NC

HomeProgramsDisability, Etiquette, and Sensitivity Training, Alamance County, NC

Disability Etiquette & Sensitivity Training (DEST) provides information, awareness, and training on how to properly communicate with and serve persons with disabilities.

This training is provided by trained DAC staff with an emphasis on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. DEST focuses on appropriate interactions and application of services to all disabilities, including mobility, cognitive, hearing, visions, mental, and developmental. DEST is beneficial to large and small corporations, businesses, community service providers, churches, healthcare providers, nonprofit and government agencies in Alamance County, North Carolina. There is a fee for this service. Training can be tailored to meet time, locations, and size of meeting.

Disability, Etiquette, and Sensitivity Training in Alamance County, North Carolina

Call 336-419-0784 to set up a Disability Etiquette and Sensitivity Training with one of our trained staff within Guilford, Alamance, Caswell, Randolph, or Rockingham County.

At Disability Advocacy Center, we provide information about disability etiquette and sensitivity in Alamance County, Caswell County, Randolph County, Rockingham County, and Guilford County, North Carolina.