

Working together to provide diversity, equity, and inclusion for people with disabilities.

To provide the best possible resources for people with disabilities, our team at Disability Advocacy Center works hard to ensure the community understands their needs. We do this through various outreach programs created to increase awareness and education in a thought-provoking way. Our efforts range from the advocacy we do when lobbying for individual and systemic rights to training of Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Awareness for persons with disabilities. We can provide trainings on Disability Etiquette, Disability Sensitivity, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and Title VII to various entities, including corporations, schools, non-profits, government officials, professionals, students, and more. Contact DAC for presentations, booths, and outreach opportunities throughout our community.


At Disability Advocacy Center, we proudly serve Alamance County, Caswell County, Randolph County, Rockingham County, and Guilford County, North Carolina.