We are thrilled to partner with other organizations to provide resources, trainings, and support before, during, and after an emergency or natural disaster.
Here at the Disability Advocacy Center, we know that being faced with an emergency can be a stressful event. As part of our Center of Independent Living standards, we are thrilled to partner with other organizations to provide resources, trainings, and support before, during, and after an emergency or natural disaster.
DAC provides quarterly trainings each season to prepare for the changes in weather and potential natural disasters. General training for emergency preparedness & disaster awareness is also available to be brought into classrooms, independent living, senior centers, and more. We retain staff members actively trained in site safety and FAST (Functional Assessment Support Teams) with the NC Department of Public Safety.
DAC holds an annual Fiery Festival on the third Saturday in June each year. This event brings together local agencies and organizations that provide valuable resources to people with disabilities to prepare for emergencies. Join us each year for fun, food, and even fire extinguisher training!
Prepare for Emergencies Now: Information for People with Disabilities Pamphlet
Personal Emergency Notebook Checklist
NC DPS FAST Resources
Access and Functional Needs in Emergency Management
American Red Cross
ILRU: Resources on Emergency Preparedness & Recovery
Partnership for Inclusive Disaster Strategies
Ready.gov: People with Disabilities
At Disability Advocacy Center, we provide information about emergency preparedness & disaster awareness in Alamance County, Caswell County, Randolph County, Rockingham County, and Guilford County, North Carolina.